Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Socrates on Unexamined Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socrates on Unexamined Life - Essay Example Socrates insistence on this claim portrays that human beings are born or called to reflect upon their beliefs, speak to seek out, account for what they do not know and know, live accordance to their views and defend those beliefs that make a meaningful and well-lived life. Socrates was right to make this claim (Plato, 2015). It follows human nature to live examined lives. For instance, we naturally live by the directions of pain and pleasure. Human beings are naturally drawn to the forces of wealth, power, and reputation. Socrates’ call to live an examined life does not necessarily show insistence to reject such inclinations and motivations (Plato, 2009). Instead, his claim was an injunction to appraise the true worth of the human soul. He believed that people should live by reflections upon their everyday values and motivations, and most importantly, to inquire knowledge into the real world and worth. Subsequently, if there is any. In case there is no value, it is upon the pe ople to pursue the things that they believe are truly valuable.Socrates’ thoughts on examining life prepare one to be as good, as he or she could. During his jurisdictions, he examines the lives of the juror. Socrates, who awaited prosecution at that time, ends up being the prosecutor when he surreptitiously accuses those behind his conviction and sentences him of failing to live a good life that respects humanity (Plato, 2009). He challenges them that they would never escape from self-examination just by executing him.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Define and explain Orientalism Essay Example for Free

Define and explain Orientalism Essay Europeans used the term Orient to describe the peoples and places of Asia and the Middle East. While widely accepted prior to the late twentieth century, this term has aroused criticism among historians. The purpose of this essay is too define and explain Orientalism, and how the term Orientalist applies to Christian missionaries in the Far East. Two main examples of these missionaries are Matteo Ricci and Francis Xavier who served in China and Japan respectively. Both of these missionaries fall under the definition of Orientalists as defined by Edward Said. Edward Said defines Orientalism in multiple parts; the first of which is the academic1. Academic Orientalism is the study of the Orient for the purpose of understanding and learning. Modern historians view the term Orient to be too vague for an area as large as Asia, but it is still widely used throughout the world. Academic Orientalism attempts to study and understand the Orient from afar. Professors of Chinese language who have never spoken with a Chinese person are a common example of this detached intellectualism. Often in 18th Century Europe the Orientalist would study and judge the Orient based on second hand knowledge and conjecture. This view of understanding the Orient better than the Oriental without living it leads into the second part of Orientalism2. The second part of Orientalism as defined by Said is the justification of subjugation. Europeans believed that due to their better understanding of the history of a culture, and their superior culture they needed to dominate other cultures in order to improve them. Arthur James Balfour, a member of the British parliament once said in reference to Egypt; We are in Egypt not merely for the sake of the Egyptians, though we are there for their sake; we are there also for the sake of Europe at large3. Balfour meant by this that British occupation of Egypt was necessary for the protection of the Egyptians and for the benefit of all Europe. Balfour and other Orientalist believed that they understood Egypt better than the Egyptians themselves, and for this reason governed Egypt for the benefit of Egypt. This form of justification was used throughout the Orient. China, India, Philippines and others were all subjugated on the justification of the white mans burden. The idea of the burden of th e white race to civilize inferior races was a key part of Orientalism.4 One of the main points of Orientalism is the division of humanity into us and them. The Occidental and the Oriental, East and West, these are divisions created by Europeans in order to dominate the other. By separating the peoples an Orientalist can justify the subjugation and forced change of other races. Saids overall point is that Orientalism was created by Europeans in order to justify the subjugation of the Orientals. Cultural and intellectual superiority and the separation of us and them led to three hundred years of European imperialism in the so called Orient.5 In order to understand how Orientalism affected Missionaries in China and Japan, one must first understand the Orientalists views of foreign religions. Most Orientalists were Christians and therefore believed all none Christians were destined for hell. This, oddly enough, even applied to pre-Christians such as Aristotle and Abraham. In Dantes Inferno both these men are in the first layer of Hell, even though Christianity did not exist during their lifetimes. So from this intolerant view one can see the basic attitude towards non-Christians. Muslims, Hindu and Buddhists were all considered heathen that needed the word of Jesus to save them from eternal damnation. The Churchs commission to preach the gospel of Christ to every creature also lays upon her the task of inviting all to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour and to join his Church through baptism.6 With this belief in mind Christian Missionaries went to the Orient to save the heathens and convert them to the one true faith, wheth er they wanted too or not.7 One of the earliest Christian Missionaries Father Matteo Ricci of the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits, arrived in China in 1582 after a four month journey from Goa. He was a Roman Catholic priest who was trained the Rome in numerous subjects. The Jesuits were the most well educated order within the Catholic Church; for this reason they were particularly well suited for missionary work in Asia. The Jesuit tactic was too convert the social elites and then have their support in the conversion of the masses. This worked particularly well in Asia due to the strict social structures and relatively good education of the elites. Also the widespread belief in Confucianism fit well with Christianity. Ricci said in his work The True Idea of God, the Confucian Classics contained allusions, albeit in an inchoate manner, to such Christian notions as God and a future life.8 Well educated bureaucrats in China respected Riccis education and intelligence, and were interested in the Western ideas he possessed9. Techniques such as Riccis Memory Palace interested the Chinese and often spawned further interest into the religion Ricci brought with him.10 Riccis view of the Chinese is full of contradictions. Many aspects of Chinese culture and government Ricci respected, such as their dress and level of education; the hygiene of the people and the relative order imposed by the Chinese bureaucracy11. At the same time that Ricci praised aspects of Chinese civilization, he abhorred a great deal of Chinese practices. Among these are the corruption rampant throughout China, the worship of heathen religions and their disrespect for human life. Ricci once remarked This country is full of slaves. 12 Most importantly Ricci despised the widespread homosexuality within China13. There are two main reasons for describing Ricci as an Orientalist. The first is his reason for being in China. Ricci sought to convert all of China to Catholicism. He cared little for the established religions in China and sought to impose his Christian faith upon the peoples of China. Ricci once remarked Buddhism violated the very first of the Ten Commandments, and it had not raised moral standards in China despite its two thousand years during which it had been preached.14 Viewing his own faith as superior to any other and being so disdainful of all others, Ricci can be labeled an Orientalist. The second reason for labeling Ricci an Orientalist is his general disdain for all things Chinese. While he may admire certain attributes he generally views everything Western superior; for example his disgust with open prostitution in the streets of major Chinese cities. Ricci completely glosses over the fact that prostitution was legal within Rome itself. In fact prostitution within Rome was widespread. Montaigne on visiting Rome remarked, Taking coach rides or strolling to view the prostitutes was a major Roman pastime.15 In his criticism of homosexuality, Ricci also ignores the previous acceptance of homosexuality in Europe. Montaigne remarked during his visit too Rome, several marriages between Portuguese males had been celebrated in the church of St. John a few years before, and that the couples had went to bed and lived together for some time before being arrested and burned at the stake.16 This method of criticizing China while ignoring the fact that the same problems existed within Europe labels Ricci as an Orientalist. Ricci had additional goals beyond simply the conversion of the Chinese. Along with the conversion to Christianity Ricci hope to rebuild China along European lines. Ricci spent a great deal of time extolling the virtues of European civilization, and purity of the Catholic faith17. Ricci hoped to rid China of corruption, create a perfect Christian society, and cleanse China of heathen practices such as abstaining from meat year round and homosexuality18. These goals of changing Chinese society certainly label Ricci to be an Orientalist. Father Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus arrived in Japan in 1549 aboard a Chinese junk. Xavier had many initial difficulties in Japan; the first of which being his inability to speak Japanese, and later to understand it. His interpreter caused Xavier many troubles later on due to his using Buddhist names for Christian figures, and forever linking Buddhism to Christianity in the minds of the Japanese19. The other difficulty for Xavier was his misunderstanding of Japanese society. When Xavier first arrived he hoped to convert the king of Japan, by this he meant the Shogun20. But when Xavier met the Shogun he found him to be a man of little importance who could barely maintain his own territory, let alone the whole country. Japan was in the period of sengoku, or country at war, and was divided among many feudal lords all vying for power. This state of civil war later benefited the Christian missionaries greatly, but initially confused Xavier21. Xavier spent the majority of his time in Japan attempting to convert Japanese daimyo and kokujin to Christianity. He succeeded in a few cases largely due to his link with Portuguese trade ships. Daimyo within Japan were looking for a way to gain advantage over their enemies, and trade with the Portuguese greatly enriched many lords. The Japanese believed that converting to Christianity would give them more favorable trade with the Portuguese, and for this reason many converted22. Xavier can be labeled an Orientalist for two main reasons. The first is his overall goal of converting the heathen Japanese to Christianity. His total disdain for Buddhism is apparent when he refers to the religion of Dianichi, an invention of the devil, as also were all the other sects of Japan.23 The second reason for labeling Xavier an Orientalist is for his views on homosexuality. Riccis beliefs on homosexuality among Asians stem from Xavier. When Xavier was the head of the Far East mission he declared that homosexuality was an evil to be combated in Asia24. For these reasons Xavier is clearly an Orientalist the same as Ricci. For all of their efforts to convert the peoples of China and Japan, neither Ricci nor Xavier succeeded in any significant way. The problems in China were numerous; deep seated beliefs in Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism kept many from converting, also the lack of interest by the elite made any type of wide scale conversion impossible. In addition the basic fear of outsiders made the Chinese distrustful and angry towards the Christian missionaries25. In Japan the eventual consolidation of Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate forced all Christians too abandon their faith. The Tokugawa did not want any opposition to their regime and barred any foreigners from entering Japan. Also deep seated religious beliefs and xenophobia as in China caused few too embrace Christianity. Neither Ricci nor Xavier succeeded in their goal of converting the Far East; the task they committed their lives too. One must wonder; if they had taken a more open, non Orientalist approach, would they have been more successful? 1 Said, Edward W. Orientalism. (New York: First Vintage Books Edition, October 1979.), 2. 2 Ibid, 3. 3 Ibid, 33. 4 Ibid, 33-36. 5 Ibid, 83. 6 Manikam, Rajah B. Christianity and the Asian Revolution. (New York: Friendship Press, 1954) 185. 7 Spence, 73-75. 8 Ching, Julia. Confucianism and Christianity. (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1977) 10. 9 Hellyer, Robert. Lecture. The Jesuits in Asia. Allegheny College. Meadville, Pa. 11 February 2002. 10 Spence, Jonathan D. The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci. (New York: Penguin Books, 1985.) 2-5 11 Ibid, 210. 12 Ibid, 219. 13 Ibid, 224. 14 Ibid, 252. 15 Ibid, 208. 16 Ibid, 226. 17 Ibid, 2-5. 18 Ibid, 217. 19 Elisonas, Christianity and the Daimyo, (Cambridge History of Japan, volume 4, 301-372.) 307-310. 20 Ibid, 311. 21 Ibid, 312. 22 Ibid, 323. 23 Ibid, 309. 24 Spence, 224.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Unforgotten Words :: Papers

Unforgotten Words Franchessca woke to the sound of a distant Will Young playing on the television downstairs. It was Saturday again, which meant she'd stay in bed for as long as possible, or until her boyfriend called her. She sat up in bed to be blinded by the light from the window. "Good morning sunshine" Franchessca said before stretching and yawning. The house was the same unusual quiet that it was on a Saturday morning, her mum still in bed and her brother crashed out on the couch probably stuffing his face with the first, most unhealthy thing he could find in the kitchen. She decided to go downstairs for some breakfast. "Joel get up you lazy get! Jo is right, all you ever do is eat and sleep!" she stormed past him into the kitchen to put the kettle on for her mum. It was turning Eleven o'clock so she decided to stay downstairs and wait for Jo to call. Jo was her boyfriend who she'd met during the summer, working at the youth centre. It was her mum who got them together really, for a change she approved in Franchesscas choice of boy. Jo was a small, slim boy with a strange hairstyle; it was always messy but looked attractive. He'd met Franchessca before then and had fell for her the first time they met. It had started off with a new school project that Franchessca had gone to for sometime, then, in late July, his school had sent along Jo too. They both remembered the first time they spoke to each other. It was amazing for Jo who lingered on to her every word, and still did to the very day. "Hi Suzy, is Franki there?" "Yeah hang on Jo I'll get her for you" It was the same every time Jo called. He had always found it hard to speak to Franki's mum for a long time on the phone, it made him stutter a lot. "Hello?.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Oh hiya Jo how are you babyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ My dad's coming down today so I

Thursday, October 24, 2019

North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction Essay

â€Å"†¦the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery† (W.E.B. Dubois). After the Civil War ended in 1865, Reconstruction began. All slaves were finally freed because of the 13th amendment. Other amendments were passed such as: the 14th amendment which gave black Americans citizenship and the 15th amendment had made it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. To enforce these new laws, northerners went south to help Freedmen and Reconstruction; these people are also known as carpetbaggers. Many people resisted in the South, so it was difficult to carry out the new ideas of Reconstruction. Rebuilding the United States was not an easy task because it soon ended in 1877. Reconstruction is the process of rebuilding or reorganizing of something. Both the North and South contributed to the end of Reconstruction; but southern resistance did the most to end it. Northern neglect was one of the reasons that had ended Reconstruction. â€Å"Weary of the ‘Negro Question’ and ‘sick of carpet-bag’ government†¦ North began to turn against Reconstruction policies† (Littell). The North grew tired of trying to get the South to help Freedmen. In an article called The Death of Reconstruction: Race, Labor and Politics in the Post-Civil War North, 1865-1901, by Heather Cox Richardson, she wrote about how blacks were uncivilized people. They assumed it would take time for ‘them’ to learn the methods of the white people. Northerners started to focus on their own concerns such as the Panic of 1873, which was the loss of millions of jobs; even the president turned away from the problems of Reconstruction. Southern resistance also, had a big impact on the end of Reconstruction. In a letter, a man named Albion Tourgee wrote about the Ku Klux Klan’s actions in the south. Tourgee served as a judge in North Carolina and he believed the Klan was after carpetbaggers, such as Tourgee himself. The KKK is made up of many ordinary people; lawyers, doctors, and farmers. They threatened and killed anybody who supported Freedmen and Reconstruction. They even intimidated people as they voted. In a picture found in Harper’s Weekly in 1876, it showed white southerners forcing a black American to vote for the Democratic Party. Whites who did not support Reconstruction ensured not to  permit Reconstruction in the south. Southern resistance was what had caused the end of Reconstruction in 1877. They threatened Freedmen, Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, and Radical Republicans. The South resisted so much; the North could not support Reconstruction any longer. The KKK was constantly killing people who favored Reconstruction, and the North was losing hope. The Klan wanted to end Reconstruction and stop African-Americans from joining the white society. They killed people in public to show they would not back down, and the resistance from these people made Reconstruction a struggling task.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Industrial Growth in the United States for 1860-1900 Essay

Many important factors helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900. Before the blossom of this industrialization, the United States consisted of mostly farms and small towns. The development of factories and urban cities soon changed all of this. The railroad system expanded and eventually turned into a goldmine for commerce in the United States. Machinery started to decrease the amount of animal labor used, which allowed the consistency and production of goods to rise. As it reached the brink of the 20th century, America had surprisingly become the world’s greatest industrial nation in history. The Civil War, caused by Southern states seceding from the Union, sparked the beginning of the United States’ industrial growth. As the war came to and end, reconstruction within the country began to take place. Many new ideas and inventions began to pop up and American business leaders recognized them. One of these ideas was a railroad that would run from coast to coast. In 1862, the building of this Transcontinental Railroad began. It was finished by 1869 and drastically increased cultural diffusion. The Republican party of the Federal Government was in control during most of the country’s industrial boom. Their platform wanted to impose tariffs, or taxes, on foreign goods to keep America’s spending within its own borders. They also supported the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad allowed goods to be sold throughout the whole country, which in turn increased production and sales. At that point in time, as well as today, time equaled money. Travel times were cut, and therefore money was raked in more than ever before. By 1900, there was almost 200,000 miles of railroad track in America. This was an increase of over 160,000 miles from 1860. The United States was â€Å"on track† to becoming a huge industrial nation. During the period of time between 1860 and 1900, there were many needs in industry. These needs included communication, natural resources, power sources, cheap labor, and applied technology. In the 1850s, 52% of all power came from animals while only 35% came from water and coal. By the 1900s, the use of water and coal more than doubled to 73% of all power sources. Many business tycoons realized his growing use of resources. One man by the name of John D. Rockerfeller created a monopoly over the entire oil industry  through his plan of Horizontal Consolidation. With this plan he was able to bring together many firms in the oil business and combine them into a single unit called a trust. Another man, Andrew Carnegie, had similar views on gaining total control of a commodity. In 1882, he used the idea of Vertical Consolidation to gain control of the growing steel industry. His business, the Carnegie Steel Company, therefore controlled every factor in the production of steel. Rockefel ler and Carnegie both became very rich men, and the United States Congress soon recognized this. They responded by drafting the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlawed the combination of businesses that would destroy competition. As more and more people moved to the West in search of better lives, the need for communication grew. Systems of sending messages through wires and electric currents soon began to appear. These inventions were called the telegraph and the telephone. People in the West could now communicate with the friends and loved ones in the East that they moved away from. In turn, their fear of isolation soon disappeared. Although the trouble of communication was diminished, life on the job continued to be a problem. Workers demanded better working conditions. Factories soon began to run faster and more smoothly than in the past. Working conditions also improved and provided less risk of injury and strain on workers. (Document 1) Conditions were only getting better, but the need for lower wages was a growing problem for factories. Immigration rates to America began to increase. From the 1860s to the 1900s, the number of immigrants rose to over eight million people. This allowed wages for workers to go down because immigrants would work for less money. The factories could now spend more money on the production of goods. The many demands of industrial growth were met throughout America’s industrial boom. During the second half of the 19th century, the United States shocked the world by transforming into a dynamite industrial nation. It’s population increased from six million people in 1860 to over thirty million in 1900. Power sources played a major role in industry at this time. Communication devices and railroads also increased commerce. Big businesses were on the rise and American’s soon left their farms for factories. These factors helped to promote the United States’ successfully rapid industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Xbox 360 Technical Instructions

Xbox 360 Technical Instructions Free Online Research Papers The electronic device I am writing about is the Xbox 360 made by Microsoft. The technical website that Xbox has is a very detailed one. ( The website has everything you could ever want or need to know about your Xbox 360. It describes how to setup and trouble shoot the Xbox 360. It even goes as far to describe how to utilize the online multiplayer functions. I find the website to be confusing in nature. It has very nice illustrations explaining some of the components of the Xbox 360. Other than having some good illustrations, the website can be very confusion to the novice gamer. The layout of the website is nice, but it has way too many links leading a person off another direction. There seems to be almost as much links as there is text in the pages. The warnings seem to be hidden among the text. The warnings lack the ability to jump out at a person. The warning should be highlighted in some way to grab the reader’s attention. The website seems to be lacking concise. It has a lot of wording that makes the reader lose interest. With the heavy wording, bundled up with way too many web links, the website looks very much cluttered. Besides the nice illustrations, I find the website to be very confusing. The over abundance of web links can lead you astray. It reminds me of a bunch of rabbit trails leading off in every direction. Also the website lacks having back links inserted in support pages. This causes a person to have to close the page and find their way back to where they left off. If a person was familiar with technical stuff on the web, then this could not be a problem. But for the beginner, I guarantee that the person will have difficulty getting around. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 website is basically like all their other websites. In my opinion all Microsoft’s websites are full of confusion and lack being clean and concise. The one thing I do like about the site is the Macromedia drop down box on the left side of the web pages. I find this to be the only organized part of their site. In conclusion, if I designed the site, I think that I would implement a flash video walking a person through the setup of the Xbox 360. This would allow a novice person to be able to setup their Xbox 360 with very little issues. References Research Papers on Xbox 360 Technical InstructionsAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Project Managment Office SystemNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceMind TravelDefinition of Export QuotasThe Hockey GameHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCapital Punishment

Monday, October 21, 2019

The poem Extenuating Circumstances Essays

The poem Extenuating Circumstances Essays The poem Extenuating Circumstances Essay The poem Extenuating Circumstances Essay Krogs use of imagery throughout this poem conveys her message with emphasis. For example, when she mentions how every word stubbornly (1) tilts into writing, the personification there could be interpreted to say that her writing has a mind of its own and how they dont want to be only a piece of writing but more. She also refers to how it leaks (4) strangely. The connotation implied by the word leaks is negative, because when something is leaking, the substance leaking is not wanted to be dripping out. This could be interpreted to mean that she has almost full control over what she writes but she cannot control everything. In addition, when the speaker expresses how writing brings mildness afterwards (11) it shows the speakers appreciation for writing as she has done before, it could be interpreted as once she has expressed herself she feels relieved after. . A striking feature of imagery in the poem is when the speaker refers to her family being beheaded (15), the use of a single word line in the middle of the longest stanza of the poem provides the mild shock of a family without heads. The lines leading up to this line gradually get smaller creating emphasis on piece of imagery. All of these striking examples of imagery convey her message of the power of writing, how it can have a mind of its own, how it can help express oneself. The overall effect this has on the poem is to evoke appreciation for writing, but also note that it can be uncontrollable. The most prominent sound features used in this poem are literary devices such as alliteration, sibilance, plosives and nasals. For example, Krog refers to the aortas of her family reeling and staining (16). The nasal sound implied could be intended to balance out the fricative used in the single word line before, beheaded (15), therefore contributing to the undulating tone of the poem. The sibilance used in the next line (through the spittlesoft sounds) reinforces the sound imagery given through the meaning of the words. In addition, when the speaker refers to the blubbering blood swabs (18), through the use of alliteration and plosives, it emphasizes the gruesome imagery. The effect of the sounds would be to enhance the meanings of the words hence create an ominous atmosphere. In conclusion, the impact of the whole poem is quite significant in that it makes the reader see the power of writing. The theme of power of writing is a distinctive feature of Krogs style and can be seen in her other work such as Nightmare of A Samuel Born Krog. The poets purpose is thoroughly achieved through the more striking literary features such as the imagery, language and the sound. In my personal opinion, the poem is beautifully written although the imagery of the beheading didnt come as much of a surprise because it is a characteristic of Krogs style to challenge the modern reader with ideas that no one would want to talk about. This could be seen in the vulgarity of Salad or in the questioning of whether she belongs in Africa in How Long, but overall a very well written poem.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shakespeare Research Paper Topics

Shakespeare Research Paper Topics Shakespeare Research Paper Topics Shakespeare research paper topics: how to make the right choice? You are studying in college or university and received the task to write research paper on Shakespeare? You do not know how to do this or you are completely lost in Shakespeare research paper topics? Then the present article is just for you. You are free to support people around you and understand the specifics of writing; in this case you will succeed in the process of writing the research paper. You are to know that the process of writing the research paper may be quite time consuming for people and it is necessary to take into account the difficulty of Shakespeare research paper topics. While writing the research the person is free to remember that the research presupposes not only the description of the material, but also the searching of some interesting facts and different points of view on this or that subject. Shakespeare research paper topics: Connection with literature Due to the fact that the research pape r is on literature, its role in this process is extremely high and the person is free to combine their knowledge in literature and of the literary work with the research done on this basis. The choice of Shakespeare research paper topics is high and the person should simply choose the proper evaluation of facts described in the text and use as many literary sources as possible. While working on the research on literature, the person is free to know some hints that may be helpful:The content of literary work and the proper evaluation of characters and facts described, The history of the literary work and the basis on which it was written, The biography of the author may be also helpful in this case, as it can provide the basis for a choice of Shakespeare research paper topics, Different stylistic devices may be helpful in order to reveal the nature of literary work and the writing style of the writer, The person must differentiate greatly about the significance of events in the text, as this can play the crucial role for Shakespeare research paper topics. Shakespeare research paper topics: the role of thorough research When the person is receiving the task to write the research it is necessary to be ready for the present task properly in order to implement it correctly. The first thing to do is to read the literary work itself, as in other case you will not be able to cite the material from the text and show the proper knowledge of Shakespeare research paper topics, The person should search the internet and libraries in order to find the newest books helpful in this written assignment.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Management of Google Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Strategic Management of Google - Essay Example The paper tells that the examination of the Google strategy is one which focuses not only on the prospects for the future but also with the core issues which are associated with Google and ways in which this can be overcome with the corporation.   Re-examining the strategy of the corporation is one which can then change the strategic approaches of the company while allowing them to work toward the necessary alterations to continue to advance with the Internet technologies offered. The concepts which have been applied to Google are based on a diverse work structure and management that offers new innovations to the workspace. This is followed by the goals of the company to offer technological innovations that are able to provide more to the market. The beginning structure of Google was able to base this on the unique algorithm used to help websites gain different prestige online followed by alternatives which have been developed with creative endeavors to create more categorization a nd options to those who are working online. The new technologies and the several portals that Google has created has led to a domination over the online market with search engines, social media and other options that are able to continue expanding with the market. The issues which are following with this include the fast expansion of the core team that requires new management and which can’t be controlled as easily. This is followed by questions of the new applications and technologies which may not carry the same innovations as the Google technology, causing the external environment to question the value of Google. Monitoring and controlling both the internal structure and the products which are resulting then become the main concern for Google. The core issue which Google is facing is based on the strategic management that is now required for the growth and changes which have occurred in the business. The strategy is one which needs to be inclusive of the countries which of fices are located with Google.

Entry Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Entry Strategy - Essay Example The economic and political factors are inter-related and it becomes difficult to identify only the economic or only the political factors separately (Altinay, 2005). The micro-environment is the internal environment which comprises of the corporate goals and objectives, the corporate strengths and weaknesses and the service factors. In addition to these, the location is equally important (Ekeledo & Sivakumar, 1998). Zhao and Decker (2004) contend that size of the firm, the technology transfer if required, the cultural distance, the market size, risks and uncertainties, sectoral barriers, and the international experience also influence the entry strategy. Taking these factors into account, the market entry strategy for ABC in India and Ireland would be recommended.   While market entry is generally through exports, licensing, joint venture or opening of wholly owned subsidiaries, in the hospitality sector the mode of entry is different. In this sector direct ownership or any form of equity partnership is not preferred in countries with high economic or political risks, and of the level of economic development is low (Altinay, 2005). If the risks are high entry modes with low resource commitment is preferred. Franchising and management contracts are the most preferred modes of entry in the hotel sector in international expansion. In both these formats capital-intensive assets and knowledge-based assets can be separated.  Service firms may enter foreign markets using a variety of modes but control is the most vital factor.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Slave Trade to America. Effects on Economies, Societies, and People Research Paper

Slave Trade to America. Effects on Economies, Societies, and People - Research Paper Example Thus, by 1610, very few colonialists were remaining due to the shortage of food and water. Precisely, only 60 of the first 214 were alive. (Littlejohn, 2003, P. 5) Despite this setback, the English colonialists were still convinced they could make Virginia prosperous. And thus the group of colonialists that followed was certain that there were unexplored metals and precious stones in the land. They therefore, aimed at identifying these precious minerals in Virginia. However, with time it became clear that Virginia did not have any minerals or metals. And therefore, the settlers had to identify some other means of survival. With other parts of America successfully dealing in Agricultural crops, the English colonialists also sought to try the same in Virginia. Tobacco farming was then started in the land and indeed it became a success to the Virginia Company. With the activity being so labor intensive, there was hence the need for more workers in the farms. The Englishmen offered to wo rk as indentured servants for a period of four to seven years in exchange for food, clothing and shipment to the New World. (Littlejohn, 2003, P. 6) Though the system of indentured servitude clearly exploited the workers, the white servants still accepted it in the hope for freedom and citizenship on completion of their contracts. With time, the system was not only being used in the farms, but also in construction, clearing of roads and timber cutting. Women could also secure jobs in households as domestic servants, but still under the same system. According to Rodriguez, (2007, P.87), the system of indentured servitude in America was to some extent a kind of slavery. This is because the servants were exploited by their masters and also faced many hardships during the contract period. Most of them were physically and sexually abused until they opted to run away. Running away would however, lead to severe consequences once captured. They would be beaten, branded and even jailed. Star t of Slave trade in America Then, in the year 1619 slave trade began in Virginia when a Dutch slave trader exchanged twenty African slaves for food. The Africans were taken as indentured servants at first but would later become slaves since even after the end of the contract they could not return to their home in Africa. By the 1920s, it became clear that the slave trade would be only option for the English tobacco farmers due to the high labor demand. (Wood, 2005, P. 4) This was due to the fact that the African slaves were much cheaper and easy to acquire as compared to the indentured servants. The slaves would only be provided with food water and shelter with no freedom promised as was the case in the indentured servitude. (Rodriguez, 2007, P.87) By this time, the transatlantic trade, which had started early in the century was booming, and thus English colonies did not have to suffer in search of a market for slaves. The demand for more slaves thus acted as a fuel to the slave tra de. The factors that promoted the slave trade of Africans in Virginia included: Availability or ready market: as mentioned above, the farmers did not have to travel all the way to Africa to purchase slaves; they could get them at the transatlantic slave trade. Racial differences also made the Africans more

Economic of race and gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic of race and gender - Assignment Example These films could be brutal but sometimes, reality is worst than we would like it to be. The stories are just examples of what really happens in this world, whites discriminating Blacks or Asians and men acting like gods over women. What could be alarming is to know that there are also other skin colors discriminating the whites and more shockingly, women discriminating men. The films may have not shown the latter but in reality, things happen and it is not a news to break because there have been news of domestic violence also where the men are the victims. It is sad to realize that we can not escape these realities and they could happen to any of us. It is then very helpful to be educated about the issues on race and gender discrimination. Taking this class has opened my eyes and my understanding of the existence of such acts, now I know the rights of a person one needs to fight for, as well as what way of thinking one should have so as not to involve ones self in such actions. I believe that if I consider not discriminating, there would be one less racist in this world and no matter how minute its effect could be; still I could impact the world I am moving in. Diverse social positions can lay the foundations of a person’s political and economic access. For instance, a poor person can be deprived of education in his early years because he has to work in order to survive. Eventually, he will have minimal probabilities of ever going to school to get a better job in the future. Politically, he would have limited access to the rights of a regular paying worker if he ends up with menial jobs which do not give him the benefits of government employed workers. Loss of job pushes a person to self-employment particularly getting in to business because it gives advantages like being the boss of oneself, the opportunity for success and the convenience

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year Essay - 1

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year radiography students - Essay Example Furthermore, I have been furnished with aptitudes of creating an enthusiasm toward confirmation-based practice and deciphering information from a mixed bag of sources. Predominately learning and close supervision in clinical environment will empower me to create capacity to work in a group. On the other hand, Radiography and imaging have provided for me the capacity to relate complex components of information to each other, to look for connections and incorporate branches of knowledge, hypothesis, and clinical experience and a discriminating and scientific methodology to information and proof. I have procured further union of fitting study aptitudes and of discriminating considering, improvement of critical thinking and examination abilities, and the capacity to consider and in this way create their practice and scholarly aptitudes (Gonczi 1994). I have created relational abilities at various levels. In addition, I have created the capacity to recognize my confinements in my general vicinity of practice. I am skilled to do stress on investigation, union, and reflection; capacity to handle cognitive many-sided quality; to assess; to apply information and new aptitudes in new circumstances; and to apply the specific to the general. Moreover, I will have the capacity to c onvey methods of examination in their general vicinity of practice (Greenhalgh 1997). The most evident learning difficulties confronting me identify with the effective fulfillment of their center proficient assignments in practice. Extensive learning for recently qualified radiographers originates from their commitment with the act as they progress towards getting to be knowledgeable experts in their personal freedom. The test of the work itself can prompt huge adapting, especially for the recently qualified. As indicated by Lave and Wenger (1991), Radiographers need to oversee patients under changing circumstances and act as a major aspect of a group.

Diversity, legal rights of students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity, legal rights of students - Essay Example The IEP channels the delivery of special education services and supports for the student with a disability (La Venture, 2003). 3) Evaluations for special education. It should involve more than a single process, be nondiscriminatory, be done in a child's primary language, arranged by qualified multidisciplinary team, and tailored to gauge particular areas of need (La Venture, 2003). 4) Federal financial assistance. It will be given to local and state governments that provide full educational opportunities to students with disabilities. Since federal law regulates the rights of education for students with special needs, and due to the additional costs associated with educating these students, federal money is made available to schools based upon the number of students in the special education program. Every student, regardless of cost or disability, should be given by public school districts the right to an education within their schools (La Venture, 2003). 5) Due process procedures. Occasionally school districts and parents argue on how a child with disabilities must be educated. When this occurs, there are measures in place to deal with these conflicts. Parent involvement consists of a) the right to receive notice, b) equal partnership in the decision-making pr... ght to give approval for particular activities such as changes in placement, assessments, and release of information to others, d) and the right to join in all meetings regarding their child's special education (La Venture, 2003). 6) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in which to learn. This concept reveals the act's solid inclination for educating students with disabilities in general education classes with the access to general education curriculum. Education in the general education classroom is the first placement preference the IEP team should consider. If the IEP team concludes that the student can be properly educated in the general education classroom via adjustments/additional services and aids, this is the LRE for that student (La Venture, 2003). The Four IDEA Re-authorizations 1) PL 99-457 (1986). PL 99-457 or "The Preschool Law" expanded services for young children or infants who are at risk or have disabilities. Two parts of the law, Part B and H, summarize services for children from 0 to 5 years old. Part B states that each state shall extend all the provisions of the law to young children with disabilities. Young children are now entitled to the six chief mandates that used to just cover older students. All states that will not conform will lose the federal funds they had been getting for other pre-school services. Part H encourages states to devise and execute a broad method of intervention for toddlers or even infants with disabilities or developmental delay (Apling & Jones, 2002). 2) PL 101-476 (1990). PL 101-476 amended the title of the special education act to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), also known as the "Person First" act. The aim of the law is to understand children first and the disability second. All terms having the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year Essay - 1

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year radiography students - Essay Example Furthermore, I have been furnished with aptitudes of creating an enthusiasm toward confirmation-based practice and deciphering information from a mixed bag of sources. Predominately learning and close supervision in clinical environment will empower me to create capacity to work in a group. On the other hand, Radiography and imaging have provided for me the capacity to relate complex components of information to each other, to look for connections and incorporate branches of knowledge, hypothesis, and clinical experience and a discriminating and scientific methodology to information and proof. I have procured further union of fitting study aptitudes and of discriminating considering, improvement of critical thinking and examination abilities, and the capacity to consider and in this way create their practice and scholarly aptitudes (Gonczi 1994). I have created relational abilities at various levels. In addition, I have created the capacity to recognize my confinements in my general vicinity of practice. I am skilled to do stress on investigation, union, and reflection; capacity to handle cognitive many-sided quality; to assess; to apply information and new aptitudes in new circumstances; and to apply the specific to the general. Moreover, I will have the capacity to c onvey methods of examination in their general vicinity of practice (Greenhalgh 1997). The most evident learning difficulties confronting me identify with the effective fulfillment of their center proficient assignments in practice. Extensive learning for recently qualified radiographers originates from their commitment with the act as they progress towards getting to be knowledgeable experts in their personal freedom. The test of the work itself can prompt huge adapting, especially for the recently qualified. As indicated by Lave and Wenger (1991), Radiographers need to oversee patients under changing circumstances and act as a major aspect of a group.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Does the highschool disploma guarantee sucess in math corses in Research Paper

Does the highschool disploma guarantee sucess in math corses in college - Research Paper Example Students who may have not performed as required in high school need to pursue developmental courses to boost their high school diploma so as to be able to gain entry to college courses. Primarily, developmental courses have been developed to enhance certain skills among students before being accepted to do math courses in college. Policymakers and faculties of higher education recognize that there is inadequate preparation for students in high schools, thus fails to meet the demands of college courses. Moreover, success of higher education among students is dependent on adequate performance of students in high school diploma. Nevertheless, diverse nature of college courses with regards to their academic demands and expectations contributes largely to lack of understanding among high school diploma graduates (Chinwah 1). Studies have carefully analyzed geometry, statistics, data analysis and algebra skills required for success in math courses in college. Comparisons have been made with the skills needed for training in job opportunities that offer wages and salaries that are sufficient for survival of families of at least four. Math skills gained from high school diploma is considered a necessity for average and good living standards among human beings, since many occupations that offer the so-called sufficient salary require high school diploma as the necessity skills. Therefore, governments need to put in place policies that ensure all high school graduates attain particular skills necessary for higher education success. Policies have been enacted with regards to the clear understanding that math courses are very important for college courses (Heather, Rose, Betts and Julian 7). Most students are proved to having undertaken all the required courses they need to get a high school diploma without being fully qualified for success in math courses in college. High school

Monday, October 14, 2019

Preventive Priorities Survey 2014 Essay Example for Free

Preventive Priorities Survey 2014 Essay In this article the author has written about a survey conducted by The Center for Preventive Action which is Preventive Priorities Survey (PPS) that assess the current and all the possible conflicts which can occur in the coming years of US and how they can influence U.S. interests . The purpose of PPS is to help the U.S. policymaking community primarily to prevent conflicts and all the incentives that can erupt a conflict . In the conflict preventive survey there are many possible sources of instability and conflict around the world that the United States should try to avoid. Predicting which conflicts are more likely to occur and can pose a greater threat to U.S. interests than others helps to decide where to focus attention and resources. PPS is a qualitative evaluation that uses the informed judgement of the experts to check all the possible threats and risks that can destroy US interests by erupting a conflict. To help the experts with their estimations and cope up with the situation , the survey offered general guidelines to check the relative probability and impact of potential contingencies which a US could face. These contingencies were categorized in different levels as high , moderate and low based on their chance of occurring and their intensity of impact on US interests. The PPS did not include the potential economic or financial crises or any natural calamity or environmental problems , PPS is primarily concerned with the discrete geopolitical contingencies .Also the PPS represents the expert’s opinion at the time the survey was conducted. Risk assessments can change rapidly and oftenly. The results, therefore, could be quite different after several months. There is a certain methodology to carry out this survey which the center for preventive actions performs in different stages of which first stage is soliciting the PPS contingencies in which CPA used a variety of social media platforms as well as its blog on to seek suggestions for contingencies to include in the 2014 survey. With the help of the Council on Foreign Relations’, CPA extracted hundreds of suggestions into thirty contingencies considering both ,possibility to occur over the next twelve months and potentially harmful to U.S. interests. The nest stage was polling of experts in which the survey was sent to more than 1200 government officials ,foreign policy experts and academics to evaluate the likelihood and poteintial impact of each contingency on US inetrest  according to the definite criteria. Ultimately the most popular suggestions were included in the survey. Then comes the final stage that is categorizing the contingencies in which the survey results were uniformly scored and contingencies were sorted into one of three preventive priority tiers in accordance to their placement in the risk assessmemnt matrix. There are three tiers in assessing the contingencies in PPS . In Tier 1 Contingencies judged high preventive priorities for U.S. policymakers because in tier 1 those contingencies were included which had a severe impact on US interests and their chance to occur was moderate like the Syrian civil war ,a highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure ,threat of military strikes against Iran , a mass casualty terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland ,a severe North Korean crisis caused by a military provocation, internal political instability, or threatening nuclear weapons/ ICBM-related activities. Then comes the contingencies which had moderate impact but high likelihood such as growing violence and instability in Afghanistan resulting from the drawdown of coalition forces and/or contested national elections ,increasing internal violence and political instability in Pakistan ,strengthening of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula resulting from continued political instability in Yemen and/or backlash from U.S. counterterrorism operations , civil war in Iraq ,growing political instability and civil violence in Jordan triggered by spillover from the Syrian civil war. In Tier 2 Contingencies judged mid-level preventive priorities for U.S. policymakers as those contingencies are includedin tier 2 which had moderate effects and moderate chance to occur such as deterioration of the political situation in Egypt, increased sectarian violence and political instability in Lebanon ,continuing conflict in Somalia, political instability and growing militancy in Libya ,drug-related violence in Mexico, a severe Indo-Pakistani military confrontation due to Kashmir. Also there were contingencies which had high impact and low likelihood which are an armed confrontation in the East China Sea between China and Japan ,an armed confrontation in the South China Sea between China and Southeast Asian plaintiff to disputed mari- time areas. It also includes contingencies with low effect on US and high likelihood of occurrence like increasing sectarian violence and political instability in Nigeria ,violence and risk of mass killing in the Central African Republic . In Tier 3 Contingencies judged low preventive priorities for U.S.  policymakers as it included those contingencies which had moderate effect on US interests and their chance of occurrence was low such as a Sino-Indian clash .it also included contingencies with low impact and moderate likelihood which were destabilization of Mali, growing popular unrest and political instability in Sudan , military conflict between Sudan and South Sudan due to border resource disputes ,conflict in the Kurdish- dominated regions of Turkey and the Middle East , growing violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo , internal violence in Bangladesh surrounding the general elections. Tier 3 also included contingencies with low impact and low likelihood such as political crisis in Venezuela leading to civil violence and potential regional instability , an outbreak of military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan . So this survey played a vital role to find out and take preventive measures for all t he current and upcoming conflicts which could have any adverse effect on US interests. This survey helped the experts to assess the contingencies and suggest those to CPA which could adversely influence US so the policymakers then worked according to the intensity of the contingencies suggested . PPS is very helpful for the center of preventive action to check the impact and likelihood of the contingencies which could occur and they carried out all their activities according to the strength of the contingencies which they measured on the risk assessing matrix and placed them in different tiers and took precautionary measures to protect the US interests and security.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Locke Arguments In Support Of Private Property Philosophy Essay

Locke Arguments In Support Of Private Property Philosophy Essay What are Natural Rights? A Natural Right is a universal right that everyone has all around the world. In particular, Natural Rights is a political theory that maintains that an individual enters into society with certain basic rights and that no government can deny these rights. Us as humans were born with these natural rights. Natural rights grew out of the ancient and medieval doctrines of natural law, which is the belief that people, as creatures of nature and God, should live their lives and organize their society on the basis of rules and precepts laid down by nature or God. The concept of a natural right can be contrasted with the concept of a legal right. A legal right is specifically created by the government, while a natural right is claimed even when it Is Private Property a Natural Right? Yes! I consider Private Property a Natural Right. Private Property plays a big role within Natural Rights. Many philosophers including Locke, Marx, and Rawls each had their position on private property. This leads to the question: What is Private Property? You can not just give one definition because as I said before, many philosophers had different positions about private property on natural rights. If I had to define Private Property, I would say it is any property that is not public property, and may be under the control of a group or a single individual. It is like a claim to something that excludes others from having that same privilege. The one philosopher that I will talk about is John Locke. John Locke (29 August 1632 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher. Locke is considered the first of the British empiricist, but is equally important to social contract theory. His ideas had enormous influence on the development of epistemology and political philosophy, and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential enlightenment thinkers, classical republicans, and contributors to liberal theory. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American Revolutionaries. Lockes theory of mind is often cited as the origin for modern conceptions of identity and the self, figuring prominently in the later works of philosophers such as David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant. Locke was the first philosopher to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He also postulated that the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa; that is, contrary to Cartesian or Christian Philosophy, Locke maintained that people are born without innate ideas. John Lockes position on private property being a natural right is really different from that of other philosophers. Locke was a major social contract thinker who argued that all people know what to do and why they do it therefore making sense. He said that mans natural rights are life, liberty, and property. In the Second Treatise of Government by John Locke, he writes about the right to private property. In the chapter which is titled Of Property he tells how the right to private property originated, the role it plays in the state of nature, the limitations that are set on the rights of private property, the role the invention of money played in property rights and the role property rights play after the establishment of government.. In this chapter Locke makes significant points about private property. In this paper I will summarize his analysis of the right to private property, and I will give my opinion on some of the points Locke makes in his book. According to Locke, the right to private property originated when God gave the world to men. Locke makes the argument that when God created the world for man, he gave man reason to make use of the world to the best advantage of life, and convenience. What he means by that is, that God made this world for man, and when he made it he gave m an the right to use what is in this world to his benefit. Locke explains that every man has property in his own person, and that nobody has any right to that property but that person. The author states that whatsoever then he removes out of the state of nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property (Locke pg. 19). What Locke means by that statement is that once a person removes something out of its original state of nature that something becomes that persons property. After someone gains this property are there any limitations on that property? Locke believes that there are limitations on that property. Locke believes that God has given us all things richly, and that man may use those things as long as he takes what he needs. Locke believes that the purpose of government is to protect property and that society was set up to avoid civil or foreign wars that may occur over the dispute of property. Locke attempts to rationalize the right of men having unequal possessions of the earth, but fails because he does not recognize that unequal ownership of property does not allow for the basis of his argument that ownership of property is only justified if there is good and enough for others. The right to private property is the cornerstone of Lockes political theory, encapsulating how each man relates to God and to other men. Locke explains that man originally exists in a state of nature in which he needs answer only to the laws of nature. In this state of nature, men are free to do as they please, so long as they preserve peace and preserve mankind in general. Because they have a right to self-preservation, it follows that they have the right to those things that will help them to survive and be happy. God has provided us with all the materials we need to pursue those ends, but these natural resources are useless until men apply their efforts to them. For example, a field is useless until it produces food, and no field will produce food until someone farms it. Â  Locke proposes that because all men own their bodies completely, any product of their physical labour also belongs to them. Thus, when a man works on some goods or material, he becomes the owner of that goods or material. The man who farms the land and has produced food owns the land and the food that his labour created. However the restriction to private property is that, because God wants all his children to be happy, no man can take possession of something if he harms another in doing so. He cannot take possession of more than he can use, for example, because he would then be wasting materials that might otherwise be used by another person. Unfortunately, the world is afflicted by immoral men who violate these natural laws. By coming together in the social-political compact of a community that can create and enforce laws, men are guaranteed better protection of their property and other freedoms. Lockes treatment of property is generally thought to be among his most important contributions in political thought, but it is also one of the aspects of his thought that has been most heavily criticized. There are important debates over what exactly Locke was trying to accomplish with his theory. One interpretation, advanced by C.B. Macpherson, sees Locke as a defender of unrestricted capitalist accumulation. Locke used the idea of a state of nature to present his political views, Locke argued that men have rights, including those to life and property, and the Two Treatises justifies revolution in some circumstances. C.B. Macpherson marshalled various facts so as to argue that Locke defended the rationality of unlimited desire, and so capital accumulation, in a way that provided a moral basis for capitalism. What is more, he did so in the context of a broadly Marxist historiography, according to which British theorists of the seventeenth and eighteenth century adopted ideas which reflected the emergence of a capitalist economy. When historians criticise and compare theories in terms of accepted facts, they can use criteria of accuracy, comprehensiveness, consistency, fruitfulness, openness, and progressiveness. Alan Ryan has criticised Macpherson for inaccuracy. He argued that Macpherson was wrong to say Locke thought rationality was restricted to one class who went in for the acquisition of capital goods. Rather, Locke explicitly said that all adults apart from lunatics were rational enough to understand what the law of nature required of them. Ryan also has criticised Macpherson, at least implicitly, for failing to be comprehensive: Macphersons theory could not account for the many passages in the Two Treatises that Ryan used to show that Locke said things clearly contrary to Macphersons interpretation. More generally, Ryan has suggested that Macphersons errors stem from an unfruitful method. John Dunn too has criticised Macpherson for not being comprehensive: Macphersons theory took no account of Lockes religious faith, a faith which provided the unifying theme of Lockes thought. In particular, Dunn has argued that Locke could not have intended to demonstrate the overriding rationality of capital accumulation precisely because his view of rationality depended on his religious beliefs, and so for him the rationality of any action in this world necessarily would de pend on the effect of the action on ones after-life. More recently, James Tully has developed Dunns broad critique of Macpherson by interpreting the Two Treatises, within the context of Lockes religious beliefs, as an attempt to defend a self-governing community of small proprietors enjoying the security to harvest the fruits of their labours, an ideal which Tully sees as contrary to capitalism. More generally, Dunn too related Macphersons erroneous view of Locke to a faulty method. Instead, Dunn advocated, against Ryan as well as Macpherson, a method which would focus on the intentions that it makes sense to ascribe to authors in the light of what we know of the characteristic beliefs of their time. Because people can respond to criticism in a way that strengthens their theory, comparison must be a more or less continuous activity. However, our criteria of comparison suggest we should scrutinise the way in which people deflect criticisms to see if they do so in a progressive manner maintaining the openness of their theory. Thus, if Macpherson responded to the criticisms of Ryan or Dunn, or if Ryan responded to the criticisms of Dunn, we would want to know whether their revised views represented either a progressive development of their theories or a purely defensive hypothesis. For example, Neal Wood has defended an interpretation of Locke that we might regard as a revised version of Macphersons view in so far as it apparently rests on a fairly similar, broadly Marxist historiography. Wood criticises Tullys interpretation of Locke for being incomplete, and possibly inconsistent. Robert Nozick also questions the idea of mixing and in doing so, offers an alternative explanation to Levines objection. In Anarchy, State and Utopia he asks, Why isnt mixing what I own with what I dont own a way of losing what I own rather than a way of gaining what I dont? If I own a can of tomato juice and spill it in the sea so that its molecules mingle evenly throughout the sea, do I thereby come to own the sea, or have I foolishly dissipated my tomato juice? Nozick reformulates Lockes idea by saying that one does not appropriate something by mixing labour with it, but rather by labouring on it and improving it to make it more valuable. By extensions, anyone is entitled to own a thing whose value he has created. Nozick himself asks why ones entitlement should extend to the whole object rather than just to the added value ones labour has produced. However, he gives no real argument against this and instead notes that no value-added property scheme has ever been devised. Nozick suggests Someone may be made worse off by anothers appropriation in two ways: first, by losing the opportunity to improve his situation by a particular appropriation or any one; and second, by no longer being able to use freely (without appropriation) what he previously could. However, Nozicks revision does make the intuition that underlies the Lockean proviso, that the harmless appropriation of unowned things is morally defensible, more plausible than Lockes own formulation does. It does so, though, at the cost of introducing a consideration foreign to Lockes way of thinking into the very heart of his theory. Nozick, being a libertarian at heart, agrees with the essence of Lockes theory but prefers to reformulate certain areas that he thinks do not work. It is difficult to conclude whether Lockes natural right of property should be accepted since we know from history that initial acquisition of property was not done on a Lockean basis.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Night at Gatsby ´s Mansion :: The Great Gatsby

A Night at Gatsby  ´s Mansion There was a clear combination of the people that went to the party, high society people with lots of money, people with much less money and new rich people. Gatsby  ´s party was the result of an intense preparation made buy Gatsbys servants. There was a huge amount of the finest food around, tons of alcohol was served and of course that was not problem at all for there was a transport system for the wasted fellows. This was the perfect place for people to show all their finest suites, it was the place where lights and colors gleamed until daylight, when the last guests left the party. It is amazing how people arrived to the party without being invited, they arrived to the mansion, drunk it all, create a huge mess and then left, these where all people who hide themselves under bright colorful dresses, identity was not an important fact at the mansion for it was impossible to determine how people really where due to the shallowness of them, but this was of no concern to the host for he was never around. As I said people got drunk a created a terrible mess for the servants to clean the day after. What happened outside the manor was really a show, people dancing inside the pool, others puking in the bushes, some others trying not to be seen when they consumed drugs, but for our controvert journalist that was impossible for he was very concerned about everything that happened in the party. What might have seemed as the dream party was just an illusion because what really happened at the party was hiding in an underworld of lies, as a matter of fact dirty business where taking place mostly with frequent guests like Meyer Wolfshier the most known gangster in New

Friday, October 11, 2019

Recent Hazing Facts

Gabrielle Henwood Professor Briggs GWRTC 103 October 28, 2011 Should hazing in school groups be banned or not? Why hazing is hazardous and needs to be fully banned. As a college student there are many things you experience that are different from you previous years of schooling. You are finally living on your own, making your own decisions. So far in my college experience I have heard many stories about groups around campus participating in hazing, many of which that are extremely disturbing. My topic of my paper is why hazing should be banned in all schools, college or high school.There are many hazards that come along with hazing, including health problems or psychological problems. Students should not have to be put through humiliating activities just to become a stronger member of a team. Team bonding is built through spending quality time together, not pressuring a new member drinking until they pass out. Hazing is cruel and unnecessary and needs to be put to an end. College sho uld be the time of your life; there is no need for students to have to worry about hazing when accepted into a group, team, or fraternity.Britton W. Brewer, et al. â€Å"The relationship Between Hazing and Team Cohesion. † Journal of Sport Behavior 30. 4 (2007): 491-507. SPORTDiscus with Full text. EBSCO. Web. 23 Oct. 2011 This journal entry explains the connection that hazing has with the bonding of a group, or sports team. There are multiple reasons why hazing is considered to be a decent way to become close, one of which is you see that victim of hazing closer then you would with any normal bonding activities.Also there are reasons given why hazing is a bad way for groups to welcome someone in, such as the victim of hazing grows a fear or barrier to the group members. They are pretty much scarred for the time being. This source is a compare and contrast for the positive and negative aspects of hazing which is very helpful for my topic. No bias was found when I read this pi ece. I do wish there was more written about the negative aspects since that is more on my side of the spectrum. Hosick, Michelle Brutlag. â€Å"TheHidden Hazards of Hazing. † NCAA News 42. 20 (2005): A1-A4. SPORTDiscus with Full Test. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. Multiple studies have been done to show the impact of college hazing and how often it occurs. Susan Limpkins, a New York psychologist stated, â€Å"many believe that proving oneself through hazing rituals increases the bond between group members and solidifies an â€Å"us† versus them mentality already prevalent in athletics, â€Å"implicating the topic that hazing happens on almost every school team to create stronger bonds.These studies brought the attention to school officials the danger that was taking place and many stories were told that caused people to be punished. This source is reliable, as it was a newspaper article in 2005 and was published. The intended audience is clearly to students, really any one who may be experiencing or know of any hazing taking place. There is no bias to this source. All the information used was taken directly from student’s statements. For my topic this source laid out many negatives to hazing which can help me more clearly analyze my argument for or against hazing. JMU – Hazing Policies. † James Madison University-Home. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. http://www. jmu. edu/multicultural/icgs/resources/hazing_policies. shtml>. This website tells the rules and regulations for hazing at James Madison University. This website is based for multicultural groups around campus. It explains in full detail the consequences one will face in such groups if broken or misused. This source is credible, since coming from a college website and contains no bias.I did not find it helpful though since it was only related towards multicultural groups and not all groups at James Madison University. If it has included all the groups, this source would have been perfect sin ce I attend JMU. Nuwer, Hank. Broken Pledges: The deadly Rite of Hazing. 1990. ERIC. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. This book is written to solve the question as to why men and women haze and the different things people can do to prevent hazing from happening. Many stories of victims of hazing are told, one of which is the main topic of the book.Chuck Stenzel, a student at Alfred University in New York was killed because of hazing in his fraternity and after such an event his mother became â€Å"Americas leading anti-hazing advocate. † With my topic being the hazing should be banned, this book will be one of the top sources with such a personal event-taking place. I don’t see any bias in this source and found it to be very reliable. â€Å"Hazing: Arguments for and against. † hazing. cornell. edu. Cornell University, nd. Web. 1 Nov 2011. . This informative web page gives straightforward reasons why hazing is a good thing and straightforward reasons why hazing is a problemati c thing. Unlike the other sources, this article is not very detailed but still gives you the knowledge I needed to know. The reasons for and against hazing are from the college student point of view and reveals the rules and regulations if such things are misused. Since this article was from such a prestigious school, Cornell University, it is quite reliable, although I wish it had more detailed reasons.This source is not one of my most helpful. I will most likely use this source still but not as much as some others. Nuwer, Hank. â€Å"Hazing Prevention. † Hank Nuwer. WordPress, n. d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Hank Nuwer consistently blogs about many things related to hazing. He blogs about preventions, stories, people being charged with such crimes and so on. He allows people to post their opinion on what he is saying and he also posts resources he has used to say what he posts which gives this blog credibility.There are numerous blog entries that I found extremely helpful for my research. The fact that Nuwer updates his blog on a daily basis was very helpful and gave me more recent hazing facts. I will be using this source. It was one of the most helpful ones I found. Skorton, David. â€Å"A Pledge to End Fraternity Hazing. † nytimes. com. The New York Times,01,Sep,2011. Web. 31 Oct 2011. http://www. nytimes. com/2011/08/24/opinion/a-pledge-to-end-fraternity-hazing. html. Hazing that took place in a fraternity at Cornell University, caused the life of a sophomore to be taken.This tragic event led to another student to finally step up realizing how wrong hazing is and the fact that it should be banned. This source was an article written about the pledge this boy proposed in memory of the sophomore. Once again I found this article extremely helpful for having such a personal aspect to it. This article was extremely reliable and contained no bias what so ever. Its audience is students, to show them that it is ok to step up to make what the believe it tr ue right. I would mark this source more reliable than some of the others

Thursday, October 10, 2019


BIS2311 Object Oriented Analysis and Design PORTFOLIO of Individual Performance M00377969 Shanaz Fatima Middlesex University, Dubai Contents Contents2 Contents in WEB Preview3 Assignments:4 Week 1 – User Requirements 14 Marks (out of 10) =4 Week 2 – User Requirements 24 Marks (out of 10) =4 Week 3 – Use Cases 14 Marks (out of 10) =4 Week 4 – Use Cases 24 Marks (out of 10) =4 Week 5 – Use Cases 34 Marks (out of 10) =4 Week 6 – Class Diagrams 15 Marks (out of 10) =5 Week 7– Class Diagrams 25 Marks (out of 10) =5 Week 8 – Consolidation5 Marks (out of 10) =5 Week 95 Marks (out of 10) =5 Week 105Marks (out of 10) =5 Week 116 Marks (out of 10) =6 Week 126 Marks (out of 10) =6 Week 13 – Consolidation6 Marks (out of 10) =6 Week 14 – Sequence Diagrams6 Marks (out of 10) =6 Week 15 – Consolidation6 Marks (out of 10) =6 Week 16 – Consolidation7 Marks (out of 10) =7 Week 17 – Resubmission7 Marks (out of 10 ) =7 Week 18 – Resubmission7 Marks (out of 10) =7 Week 19 – Resubmission7 Marks (out of 10) =7 Week 20 – Resubmission7 Marks (out of 10) =7 Own/Additional Work and Examples:8 Contents in WEB Preview Contents Contents in WEB Preview Assignments: Week 1 – User Requirements 1 Marks (out of 10) =Week 2 – User Requirements 2 Marks (out of 10) = Week 3 – Use Cases 1 Marks (out of 10) = Week 4 – Use Cases 2 Marks (out of 10) = Week 5 – Use Cases 3 Marks (out of 10) = Week 6 – Class Diagrams 1 Marks (out of 10) = Week 7– Class Diagrams 2 Marks (out of 10) = Week 8 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Week 9 Marks (out of 10) = Week 10 Marks (out of 10) = Week 11 Marks (out of 10) = Week 12 Marks (out of 10) = Week 13 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Week 14 – Sequence Diagrams Marks (out of 10) = Week 15 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Week 16 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) =Wee k 17 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Week 18 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Week 19 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Week 20 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Own/Additional Work and Examples: Assignments: Week 1 – User Requirements 1 Case Study: VFS Global helps governments and embassies process travellers’ visa applications securely and efficiently. The authorities outsource the administrative tasks involved to VFS Global. Its support work allows the relevant authorities to make decisions about issuing visas more quickly and process applications more cost effectively.VFS Global manages visa application centres for the UK Border Agency in UAE, where you should submit your completed visa application form, supporting documents and biometric data. You can also email or phone (call rates apply) the VFS Global call centre if you have a general enquiry about UK visas or the visa application process. |Visa applications may be submitted a t any of the ten application centers across India and Nepal. All applications are assessed | |at The Canada High Commission, New Delhi or the Consulate General in Chandigarh. |An interview, if required, can be conveniently scheduled at the application centre. | |All information required to apply for a temporary resident visa for Canada is available on this site. Please read the | |information carefully to expedite the processing of your application. | |If you have already applied for a visa, you can Track Your Application using our visa Application Tracker service. Biometrics | |will be collected using a quick, discreet and non-intrusive process that captures a 10-digit fingerprint scan with a digital | |finger scanner. |You should ensure that their fingertips are free from any forms of decoration (henna, for example), abrasions or other | |markings, and that any facial cuts and bruises have healed or disappeared prior to providing their biometric data as these may | |affect their a bility to provide acceptable finger-scans and photographs. | |Applicant who are physically unable to provide a fingerprint scan, will have to provide a medical certificate to support their | |claim Visa applications may be submitted at any of the ten application centers acrossIndia and Nepal. All applications are | |assessed at The Canada High Commission, New Delhi or the Consulate General in Chandigarh. | |An interview, if required, can be conveniently scheduled at the application centre. | |All information required to apply for a temporary resident visa for Canada is available on this site. Please read the | |information carefully to expedite the processing of your application. | |If you have already applied for a visa, you can Track Your Application using our visa Application Tracker service. | | | | | | | | |User Requirements: | |Suha: | |Record the applicants details | |Forward applicants details to UK Embassy | |Sana: | |Track applications | |Manage appointments | |Shanaz: | |Record Biometrics data | |Schedule appointment | |Assumptions: | |For point 2 the saved data by the back office is forwarded to the UK embassy | |For point 4 the appointments are managed by the STAFF i. e confirming the appointment of the respective applicant | |For point 6 the appointments are in regards to the applicants prior to the interview. | Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Asked to elaborate on the user requirements Week 2 – User Requirements 2 BIS2311 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Assignment 2 Distinguish BetweenMethod: A means or manner of procedure, especially a regular and systematic way of accomplishing something Methodology: A  methodology  is usually a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools Life Cycles: is a process of creating or altering information systems, and the models and  methodologies  that people use to develop these systems Software development proc ess: A software development process or life cycle is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. There are several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the process. Methodology & modeling language: A modeling language is any artificial language that can be used to express information or knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules.The rules are used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the structure Requirements: Sana: 1. Generate membership report 2. Process payment Shanaz: 3. Generate letters 4. Archive back up Suha: 5. Scan membership card to identify member 6. Archiving expired membership record. Assumptions For point 1 the membership report is an output For point 2 is the payment is only cash or bank statement For point 3 the letter are only emails Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Was asked to write assumptions Week 3 – Use Ca ses 1 Use case: sequence of actions carried out by the system to achieve some purpose that is meaningful for an external user or system.Actor: someone who directly uses the system. Use case diagram: diagram showing use case & actors and the associations between them. Functional requirements: requirements met by the system- with the scope of the system Non functional requirements: Context: A set of scenarios in which a set of objects are involved. Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 4 – Use Cases 2 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 5 – Use Cases 3 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 6 – Class Diagrams 1 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 7– Class Diagrams 2 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 8 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 9 Marks (out of 10) =Feedback Notes: Week 10 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 11 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 12 Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 13 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 14 – Sequence Diagrams Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 15 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 16 – Consolidation Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 17 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 18 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 19 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Week 20 – Resubmission Marks (out of 10) = Feedback Notes: Own/Additional Work and Examples:

Nonviolence and South Africa Gandhi Essay

War is defined a state of hostility conflict or antagonism. But this definition would be thrown aside by a man named Mohandas Gandhi a man who would soon come to revolutionize India through the power of peace. Gandhi’s protests and civil disobedience would soon help create the India we see today. Gandhi did take India back from the British but not violently as one might expect, but peacefully through civil disobedience. This means that laws that Gandhi and his followers would refuse to obey any laws that they viewed to be unjust, not by striking blows but by carrying on with there daily activities while refusing to follow certain laws that they feel practice a system of apartheid. But keeping in mind never to strike back but to always keep your head up and never give up. Gandhi developed this idea of civil disobedience after his experience of apartheid while in South Africa. Gandhi while in South Africa Gandhi witnessed first hand the great injustices people of color faced simply while walking down the street. For example the need for a pass book by those of color. Gandhi saw this injustice and interjected, holding a public protest burning passbooks and symbolically burning the separation between people of color in South Africa and the British. But Gandhi did not stop there he went on to take this system of civil disobedience to India. In India he continued to gain followers and slowly take back India through his peaceful movements such as his salt march and cloth burning. Finally over the course of his adult life Gandhi had taken back India from the British all without India striking a blow. Gandhi clearly revolutionized India into its current state through peace. Gandhi, through peace, has helped change the way we see war.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Resources management in Devon and Somerset fire and Rescue Service Case Study

Resources management in Devon and Somerset fire and Rescue Service - Case Study Example The fire and rescue industry has also not been left out in implementing resources management techniques in their operations. Devon and Somerset is one of the largest fire and rescue service in the UK which was established in the year 2007 through a merger of Somerset and Devon fire brigades. This company operates different fire and rescue subsidiaries in the region thus making resources management vital to ensure growth and survival of the company and also to ensure that the services given to their customers are of higher standards (Cameron, 2009). Resources which help Devon and Somerset fire and rescue service to perform its duties Devon and Somerset Company have different appliances which enable it to perform its core competencies of rescuing and fighting fire during fire emergencies. The company has different and diverse special appliances as well as front line gargets for putting out fire. One of its major appliances which are vital for putting out fire is the water tender ladder. The company’s water tender ladder has the capability of pumping about 3,000 litres of water per minute for two locations and it has a storage capacity of more than 1,800 litres. This pump also has various types of ladders which are up to 13.5 metres. The cab also contains four sets of air breathing apparatus which are compressed. Each of the pumps also contain outside lockers located at the outside part. Inside the pumps, there are a number of powdered rescue equipment usually hydraulic and also a thermal imaging camera, pressure fans, equipment for safety heights and water rescue equipment. Water tender ladder has call sig ns one and three (Trotman Publishing, 2001). Another appliance is the water tender which is almost similar to the above mentioned water tender ladders. The difference is that these two appliances carry different set of equipment with its ladders going up to 10.5 metres. This equipment is not as effective as the water tender ladder and it is usually used for reinforcement purposes. Incident command vehicles are other equipment or apparatus used by Devon and Somerset Company during fire and rescue missions. They carry out the roles of controlling the site and contacting the control rooms of different stations. Large incidents prompt activation of control units to ensure the mobilisation of more appliances. The incident control vehicles controls communications regarding the progress of the incidence and they carry call sign C. Other appliances include the prime movers (also known as the environmental and incident support units). These vehicles provide logistical support in cases of big incidents and also carry any additional equipment which may be necessary. Equipment carried by these vehicles usually are very specialised and they are used to control the spillage of chemicals thus protecting the environment. Water foam carriers are also used by this company which are used for transporting additional water especially in rural areas. Rescue vehicles, fire

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tesla Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tesla - Research Paper Example The company makes profits by selling of these components to other manufacturers that cannot produce manufacture them. Tesla stores and its galleries is one of the major ways through which the company markets its products. The company also makes use of the internet as one of the major display marketing option for online consumers. This enables the company to sell its products to consumers all over the world. With over 80 stores and galleries distributed all over, the world, specifically in Europe, Asia and North America, the company has managed to amass sales and remain ahead in the competition. This makes it always remain as a fierce competitor in the industry. The paper below discusses the financial performance of company, its value on the market using both intrinsic and market values, the ROIC, WACC and other aspects that relate to the growth and development of the company. Intrinsic value relates to the value that an asset is actually worth besides the market value. The intrinsic value relates to the real value, whereby if a disposal of the asset were to occur at that time, the company would manage to retrieve that value from its sale. What value will the buyer find the asset worth? Market values have many influences that may affect the price. These range from the aspects of inflation, recession, and speculations that surround the market activities. An intrinsic value considers the call and put options. Intrinsic value considers the value of an asset in and of itself without consideration of other external factors. Value investors consider this value of an asset in most occasions because it gives nearly the true value of the asset, thereby making investors more confident in buying the asset. These investors, when seeking a company to invest in, consider this value to give them a better understanding of the asset or company in relation to its true value. Intrinsic value determines the value of the stock in itself. This occurs through a number of ways.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Trends in Cloud Computing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trends in Cloud Computing - Assignment Example The users of the technology need not to have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructures "in the cloud" that supports them. Buyya et al. (2009) stated that the concept incorporates infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) as well as Web 2.0 and other recent technological trends that have the common theme of dependency on the Internet for meeting computing needs of the users. Examples of such providers are,, and Google Apps, which all provide common business applications online that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored on the servers. Referring to the writings by Cohen (2012) the term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on how the Internet is depicted in computer network diagrams, and is an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it conceals. The diagram below helps to demonstrate the architecture of cloud computing an d how it incorporates the use of other technologies in order to provide a variety of applications of services. Figure 1: Graphical representation of cloud computing Sources: In the writings by Saboowala et al. (2013), they stated that cloud computing mainly involves software as a service and utility computing. Under Software as a Service, cloud computing is known for providing an application via the internet, which ends up being used by millions of people located in different corners of the world. Under utility computing, it is noted that cloud computing provide storage and virtual servers that users can easily access on real time basis. The top trends in cloud computing In the writings by Cohen (2012), he noted that the latest trends in cloud computing are because of continued application of cloud computing in various forms, and therefore, the technology has been realigning itself to the c hanging needs of providers and businesses, which has created new utility options for the technology of which key among them is big data analytics. Big data analytics According to Schlesinger (2013), big data analytics is one of the latest trends in cloud computing and it refers to the capability of cloud computing to manage big amounts of data from various sources. Therefore, the latest trends is the analysis of big data that is available â€Å"in the cloud† in a single approach without any sub-division of data into manageable chunks. The big data analytics enables organizations to carry an analysis of data that that is generated from a long period of time from multiple sources using a common approach. For example, Buyya et al. (2009) stated that within the public cloud, access can be obtained to individual files containing variety of data from different businesses within the same industry and the analysis of such data will provide a global outlook of the entire industry. Big data analytics services by cloud computing provide key benefits of reduced cost in analyzing wide data and shortened duration of analyzing data. Increased application of hybrid clouds Cohen (2012) wrote that as businesses are increasingly identifying the benefits of cloud computing they are equally increasing their adoption of the use of cloud computing for various business purposes. This has resulted in a trend

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Intro to Political Science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intro to Political Science - Assignment Example It is rational to argue that the rich and corporations receive a lot from the government while what they contribute to society is minimal because of personal interests at the expense of others. 2. Jean Jacques stated, "Man is free yet everywhere is in chains." According to the professor, what does Rousseau mean by this statement? Why is the professor passionate about personal liberties? Rousseau coined the element of social contract in which he draws the ground for legitimate political order. In this argument, Rousseau argued that man is born free and everywhere he is in chains which implies that man thinks that he is the ruler or master of others but remains in bondage than they are. He argued that the state of nature was a barbaric and primitive condition which lacked morality or law. Human beings left this state for necessity and benefits of cooperation. As society progressed, division of labor and private property needed humanity to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate st age of society, man is prone to competition with other people in society while at the same time becoming dependent on them. This pressure in life threatened his freedom and survival. That is why Rousseau argued that man is born free but every where he is in chains. 3. How was the government evolved since it was established by the founding fathers? Please describe both similarities and differences in government today versus in its original state. Originally, the U.S had a de jure form of government when it was first founded by people like Abraham Lincoln and Madison. Today, the government has evolved and adopted de facto kind of government where by resources are shared by equity and not by law as compared to earlier government where distribution of resources was by law. Despite these differences, they reveal a common quality where the rights of citizens were respected by the government. Original government was established by republican form of government with the limitations placed o n their servants, in this case, it meant that the people were the government not their servants. It has evolved in that those behind the scenes prepare and place their people in office who usurp power at the expense of the citizens. The similarity in this case is that the government has sovereign power which is exercised by the citizens either directly or indirectly. 4. Why has political efficacy been on the decline? What do you believe is contributing to this malaise Political efficacy is the faith and trust that citizens have in the government and their conviction that they can comprehend and influence political decisions. Political efficacy has been declining due to the fact that people are less involved in politics since the governments have proven to be ineffective since people’s vote do not count at all, people lack civil rights and they are not allowed to express their views or opinions freely. The decline of political efficacy is associated with the rise of money in p olitical affairs. Therefore, there is failure by the government to control arena of campaign finance which allows wealthy people and Corporations to silence voices of individual citizens making the public lose trust and faith in the political system. 5. Which of the amendment(s) in the Bill of Rights deals with liberty?